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DIGITUS 22.5 x 45mm Shutter for Trunking

Etusivu Tietokoneet Tarvikkeet DIGITUS 22.5 x 45mm Shutter for Trunking
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DIGITUS 22.5 x 45mm Shutter for Trunking (DN-93802-1-SH)

DIGITUS 22.5 x 45mm Shutter for Trunking

  • Tyyppi Räkit ja tarvikkeet

The DIGITUS Keystone shutters are available in 1 port version. The shutter will support all of the DIGITUS Keystone Jacks enabling shielded and unshielded Category 5e, 6 & 6A terminations to be presented in a uniform fashion. Fixing clips are positioned on the rear of the shutter to allow the fitment horizontally or vertically mounted trunking whilst maintain upright orientation of the shutter. The shutter comes complete with paper label and fitted clear window. Futhermore DIGITUS offer a range of faceplates for multimedia Keystone Jacks.

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